How to monitor the long term effects of your experiment

Tue Mar 12 2024

Jack Virag

Editor in Chief, Statsig

Imagine launching a feature that instantly boosts user engagement on your platform.

Now, imagine discovering six months later that it actually reduced long-term retention. Surprised? You shouldn't be. This scenario illustrates why understanding the long-term effects of experiments is not just useful, but crucial.

In the fast-paced world of tech and e-commerce, making decisions based on short-term data can lead to missed opportunities or, worse, long-term setbacks. It's like navigating a ship based on the weather in the harbor, without considering the storms on the horizon.

Introduction to long-term effects monitoring

Long-term effects monitoring is about looking beyond the immediate impact of your experiments. It’s understanding how a change affects user behavior, satisfaction, and your bottom line over time, not just in the first few weeks. Why is this important? Because what works today might not work tomorrow, and what seems like a setback now could be a win in the long run.

Capturing these long-term effects, however, comes with its own set of challenges. For starters, the dynamic nature of tech and e-commerce platforms means that user behavior is constantly evolving. A feature that's popular today might be obsolete tomorrow. Additionally, external factors like seasonal trends or market shifts can cloud the real impact of your experiment.

  • User behavior is unpredictable: Users might initially react positively to a new feature but lose interest over time.

  • External factors: Events outside your control, such as a global pandemic, can drastically alter user engagement and skew your experiment results.

  • Data collection and analysis: Gathering data over long periods is resource-intensive, and interpreting that data to isolate the effects of your experiment from other variables is complex.

Understanding these challenges is the first step in designing experiments that truly measure what matters for the long haul.

Methodologies for long-term effect analysis

When you run an experiment, metrics like user retention and satisfaction often reveal their true colors only in the long run. Immediate jumps in engagement or sales might feel great, but do they stick around six months or a year later? That's what you need to find out.

Let's dive into how you can grasp these long-term effects. One approach you might consider is the Ladder Experiment Assignment. Picture this: you split your users into groups and introduce the experiment to each group in staggered intervals. This way, you can compare behaviors over different time frames and get a clearer picture of long-term impacts.

For the Difference-in-Difference approach, you compare changes in your metrics before and after the experiment, across your test and control groups. This method helps isolate the effect of your experiment from other variables that might be at play.

Let's get practical with an example from Statsig. Suppose you're testing a new feature that shows four items per row on your product page instead of three. You hypothesize this will increase the add_to_cart event count. To measure this, you might run a Ladder Experiment, gradually introducing this change to different user cohorts over several weeks. Or, you could use the Difference-in-Difference method, comparing add_to_cart rates before and after the feature launch, adjusting for any external factors like seasonal sales spikes.

Remember, when setting up these experiments, power analysis is crucial. It helps you determine how big your sample size needs to be to detect meaningful changes in your primary metrics. And always keep an eye on your experiment's health through tools like Statsig's experiment health checks, ensuring your data is clean and your conclusions are solid.

Sequential testing can also play a key role here. It allows you to adjust for the increased uncertainty that comes with peering into your experiment's results before it's officially concluded. This method is especially useful for long experiments, where you're tempted to make early calls. Statsig recommends checking in on your metrics frequently, adjusting for this uncertainty, and looking out for any significant regressions.

In essence, choosing the right methodology and being meticulous with your statistical analysis can illuminate the long-term effects of your experiments. This insight is invaluable, helping you make decisions that benefit your users and your bottom line in the long run.

Predictive modeling and surrogate indexes

Predictive models come in handy when you need to estimate long-term outcomes with just short-term data. You might think, "How can I predict if this new feature will keep users engaged six months from now?" Predictive modeling is your friend here. By analyzing early data, these models can forecast future behavior or outcomes.

Surrogate indexes are a bit like shortcuts. They use related short-term metrics to predict long-term effects. For example, if your goal is to increase user retention with a new onboarding process, a surrogate index might focus on initial user engagement metrics. These serve as predictors for long-term retention.

Here's how you might apply this at Statsig:

  • Imagine you're testing a feature aimed at improving user retention. Instead of waiting months to measure retention directly, you look at early engagement signals. These signals act as your surrogate indexes.

  • You then model these early signals against historical data of known long-term outcomes. This helps predict the eventual impact on retention.

  • It's important to choose surrogate indexes wisely. They must have a proven correlation with the long-term outcome you care about.

Remember, predictive modeling and surrogate indexes don't replace the need for actual long-term data. But they do provide valuable insights when time is of the essence. This approach allows you to make informed decisions faster, iterate on your product, and ultimately, deliver a better experience to your users.

Challenges and solutions

When you dive into long-term effect analysis, engaged user bias and selective sampling issues often crop up. These aren't just buzzwords; they're real hurdles that can skew your data. Here's what you need to know:

  • Engaged user bias means you're mostly hearing from your power users. They're not your average customer, so their feedback might lead you down a narrow path.

  • Selective sampling issues occur when you only look at a subset of users. This might make you miss out on broader trends.

So, how do you tackle these challenges? Let's break it down:

  1. Diversify your data sources: Don't rely solely on one type of user feedback. Look at a mix of both highly engaged users and those less active.

  2. Use stratified sampling: This means you'll divide your user base into smaller groups or strata based on characteristics like usage frequency. Then, sample evenly from these groups.

  3. Implement A/B/n testing: Going beyond basic A/B tests allows you to explore multiple variations and understand different user behaviors. This way, you can gauge the impact on a wider audience.

For example, at Statsig, we encourage looking at a variety of metrics when running long-term experiments. It's not just about who clicks what but understanding why they do it. By segmenting users and tailoring tests, you can get a clearer picture.

Keep iterating: The first solution might not be the perfect one. Continuous testing and adjustment based on new data are key.

Remember, overcoming these pitfalls isn't just about avoiding mistakes. It's about ensuring your product evolves in a way that serves all your users, not just the most vocal ones.

Case studies and practical applications

When you're pondering the build versus buy dilemma for your experimentation platform, real-world examples can be enlightening. Statsig has worked with numerous companies, helping them understand the nuances of this decision. For instance, a solutions engineer at Statsig often asks teams whether they've built similar systems before or if they're familiar with the required infrastructure. This helps gauge if building in-house is feasible or if purchasing a platform is the smarter route.

Migrating to a new experimentation platform might seem daunting, but it’s often smoother than anticipated. Take Linktree's migration to Statsig, for example. They transitioned seamlessly, enhancing their experimentation capabilities without losing momentum. Key to their success was ensuring that user segments were consistent across platforms. This move enabled more robust experimentation and long-term savings by consolidating tools into one platform.

Warehouse-native experimentation is another area where companies see significant benefits. By leveraging existing data pipelines, companies can jumpstart automated experiment analysis. This approach not only saves time but also integrates seamlessly with your data ecosystem. Statsig’s event-forwarding integrations mean you can include data from tools like Segment without extra logging, making the analysis process more streamlined.

Statsig also shines a light on the importance of having a state-of-the-art platform. Many teams stick with legacy systems not realizing the limitations they impose. Modern platforms offer granular control, flexible targeting, and the ability to run concurrent experiments. Features like mutual exclusion and multi-armed bandits are game-changers. They allow for more nuanced experimentation, ultimately leading to better product decisions.

Finally, Statsig emphasizes the collaborative aspect of modern experimentation platforms. Bringing cross-functional teams together for data sharing and analysis fosters a culture of continuous improvement. Whether you're a software engineer measuring feature impact or a product manager optimizing user engagement, the right tools make all the difference.

By examining these case studies, it's clear that the choice between building or buying an experimentation platform depends on your team's expertise, infrastructure, and the complexity of your needs. However, the advantages of modern, feature-rich platforms like Statsig—from seamless migrations to sophisticated experimentation capabilities—are undeniable for companies looking to thrive in today's fast-paced tech landscape.

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