Introducing seamless tracking of feature flags across all environments

Mon Oct 07 2024

Brian Do

Software Engineer, Statsig

Devin Zhou

Software Engineer, Statsig

A new way to track gate rollout progress just dropped.

We’re excited to announce seamless tracking of gates across all environments. This update transforms how you monitor and manage your feature gates, providing an enhanced, user-friendly experiment that boosts efficiency and visibility.

What’s new?

Previously, tracking the performance of your gates was more cumbersome, requiring you to open individual gate pages for each environment you wanted to monitor.

Users would have to click through multiple gates just to track rollout status, furthermore it made it even more complex when there were numerous gates across various environments (such as development, staging and production).

Now, with this latest feature, you can view all your gates in one consolidated view, and enjoy a streamlined experience that provides critical data just from a glance.

Why this new gate view matters

As part of our commitment to revolutionizing the user experience, we constantly iterate on our software to make it as easy as possible for our users to harness its full potential.

This new gate view is a highly requested feature by many of our customers and is designed to provide greater visibility and control.

How to switch to the new view

Switching to the new view is simple: In your gates table you’ll now see a toggle in the top-right corner. With just one simple click, you’ll activate this new view, making it easier to access the information you need to monitor gates.

a screenshot of the environments view toggle

With this release, you’re now able to view this information at a glance.

If you want to know how your gate affected your production environment, you can now see information on how many users passed or failed this gate in production over the past week—or whether your gate is set up to allow any users to pass at all.

the statsig console showing rules for passing gates to multiple environments

To switch to the new view, you can find a toggle in the top right of your gates table.

a view of feature gates in statsig

💡 Check out our product update post for more information.

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