The semantic layer and Statsig: A partnership for better experimentation

Mon Oct 02 2023

Ryan Musser

Head of Solutions Engineering, Statsig

Semantic layers act as a bridge between raw data and business users, translating complex data structures into understandable and usable commodities.

As with most best practices, the power of a semantic layer is amplified when used in conjunction with Statsig.

This post aims to shed light on the relationship between a semantic layer and experimentation, exploring the intricacies of supporting semantic layers, and how to re-use metrics that are already aggregated/computed in your warehouse and described in the semantic layer—without manually recreating the metric definition in Statsig or needing to recompute/re-aggregate the data.

Whether you're a developer, a product manager, or a data scientist, this post will equip you with the knowledge to better understand and leverage the power of semantic layers alongside experimentation and highlight a continuous integration process into Statsig.

Understanding the challenge

In the realm of data management, raw data is typically stored in various data repositories and subsequently utilized across different platforms such as company dashboards, notebooks, analytics tools, CRMs, internal tools, etc.

This scenario presents a unique challenge: a multitude of data consumers are accessing a few data stores. As a result, individuals often resort to creating their own static versions of the data or crafting their own queries. This approach often leads to inconsistencies and outdated information among data consumers.

A promising solution to this issue is the introduction of a semantic layer.

What is a semantic layer?

The semantic layer serves as a centralized translator, bridging the gap between the data storage and the data consumers.

Centralized version control for metrics ensures that all data consumers are accessing the same, up-to-date information, thereby eliminating inconsistencies and promoting data integrity.

semantic layer diagram

Typically, a semantic layer is a repository of static YAML/SQL files that represent a semantic graph that can be used to query metrics.

Let’s walk through an example:

Semantic layer example

⚠️ This article uses a pseudo example. For comprehensive code, check out our working code in our GitHub repository.

Let’s assume these YAML & SQL files are stored in Github (something like this example from dbt).

These files contain model, measure, and metric definitions. These entities may be represented through a pairing of SQL and YAML files. In an e-commerce example, let’s say we want to build an order_items model, and that would consist of order_items.sql & order_items.yml.

order_items.sql contains the definition of the underlying model. I.e. which raw tables to look at, any necessary joins, appending, filtering, transforming, etc.


order_items as ( select * from ORDER_ITEMS ),
orders as ( select * from ORDERS ),
products as ( select * from PRODUCTS ),

joined as (

    from order_items
    left join orders on order_items.order_id  = orders.order_id
    left join products on order_items.product_id = products.product_id

select * from joined

order_items.yml would then contain definitions of measure and metrics.

  • Measures: Aggregations performed on columns in your model. They can be used as final metrics or serve as building blocks for more complex metrics.

# Revenue measure
      - name: revenue
        description: The revenue generated for each order item. Revenue is calculated as a sum of revenue associated with each product in an order.
        agg: sum
        expr: product_price

# Median revenue measure
      - name: median_revenue
        description: The median revenue generated for each order item.
        agg: median
        expr: product_price

# Food revenue measure
      - name: food_revenue
        description: The revenue generated for each order item. Revenue is calculated as a sum of revenue associated with each product in an order.
        agg: sum
        expr: case when is_food_item = 1 then product_price else 0 end

  • Metrics: Quantitative assessments commonly used for viewing, comparing, and tracking performance, production, engagement, etc.

  # Simple metrics
  - name: revenue
    description: Sum of the product revenue for each order item. Excludes tax.
    type: simple
    label: Revenue
      measure: revenue

  - name: median_revenue
    description: The median revenue for each order item. Excludes tax.
    type: simple
    label: Median Revenue
      measure: median_revenue

  - name: food_revenue
    description: The revenue from food in each order
    label: Food Revenue
    type: simple
      measure: food_revenue

  #Ratio Metrics
  - name: food_revenue_pct
    description: The % of order revenue from food.
    label: Food Revenue %
    type: ratio
      numerator: food_revenue
      denominator: revenue

  #Derived Metric
  - name: revenue_growth_mom
    description: "Percentage growth of revenue compared to 1 month ago. Excluded tax"
    type: derived
    label: Revenue Growth % M/M
      expr: (current_revenue - revenue_prev_month)*100/revenue_prev_month
        - name: revenue
          alias: current_revenue
        - name: revenue
          offset_window: 1 month
          alias: revenue_prev_month

  #Cumulative Metric
  - name: cumulative_revenue
    description: The cumulative revenue for all orders.
    label: Cumulative Revenue (All Time)
    type: cumulative
      measure: revenue

Some businesses may actually materialize the outputs of this transformed data into a data store or a caching layer, and route data consumer requests towards the materialized table or cache. But some businesses mostly generate the data on the fly.

In general, leveraging a semantic layer to supply metrics for your experimentation program can help with:

  • De-duplication of metric storage and compute

  • Consistency and accuracy of data

  • Simplifying data management

  • Providing a layer of abstraction between users and raw data

  • Improve data accessibility, enabling non-technical users to easily understand and use data for experimentation

Real-world semantic layer use cases:

  • Integrate Airflow with either dbt or Cube so that Airflow can execute jobs using semantic layer definitions or push changes from upstream data sources.

  • Hightouch & dbt integrate to reverse ETL data through your semantic models, even though they may never materialize as tables/views in the warehouse.

  • Tableau & Cube integrate to import metric definitions, ensuring they are consistent and reliable for business reporting.

  • dbt & Mode integrate to make your most important company metrics automatically available to business teams for confident data exploration and self-serve reporting.

Integrating a semantic layer with Statsig

Continuing with our example above, if we want to integrate our semantic layer and metric definitions from Github into Statsig, we can create a GitHub Action that automates the process of parsing a yaml file in GitHub and syncing these models, measures and metrics into Statsig.

The action is simple; It parses a yaml file from GitHub, checks if the model (or metric source) exists in Statsig, and creates it if it doesn't exist. It then checks if the metric exists in Statsig, creates it if it doesn't, or updates it if it does.

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Creating the GitHub action workflow

To create a GitHub action workflow, first create a new file in your .github/workflows directory and name it statsig-metrics.yml. This file will define your GitHub Action workflow.

      name: Statsig Metrics
           - '**.yml'

         runs-on: ubuntu-latest

           - name: Checkout code
             uses: actions/checkout@v2

           - name: Parse and update metrics
             run: |
               python3 ./scripts/

This workflow triggers whenever a push event that modifies a .yml file occurs. It then runs a Python script that handles the parsing and updating of metrics in Statsig.

Creating the Python script for updating metrics

Create a new Python script in your scripts directory and name it This script will read your .yml files and interact with the Statsig Console API to create metric sources and metrics.

import yaml
import requests


def parse_yaml(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        return yaml.safe_load(file)

def check_metric_source_exists(metric_source):
    response = requests.get(f'{STATSIG_API}/metric_sources/list')
    if response.status_code == 200:
        metric_sources = response.json()
        return any(ms['id'] == metric_source for ms in metric_sources)
    return False

def check_metric_exists(metric):
    response = requests.get(f'{STATSIG_API}/metrics/list')
    if response.status_code == 200:
        metrics = response.json()
        return any(m['id'] == metric for m in metrics)
    return False

def create_metric_source(metric_source):
    payload = {'source': metric_source}'{STATSIG_API}/metric_sources', data=payload)

def update_metric(metric):
    payload = {'metric': metric}
    requests.put(f'{STATSIG_API}/metrics', data=payload)

def create_metric(metric):
    payload = {'metric': metric}'{STATSIG_API}/metrics', data=payload)

def main():
    metric_definitions = parse_yaml('./YOUR_FILE.yml')
    # Model, measure and metric schemas may vary...
    # Implement logic to parse your semantic layer schema and translate it
    for metric_source, metrics in metric_definitions.items():
        if not check_metric_source_exists(metric_source):
        for metric in metrics:
            if not check_metric_exists(metric):

if __name__ == '__main__':

The winning strategy

At Statsig, we’re proponents of being able to map your business data into a unified, consolidated view. To that end, the Statsig platform will allow you to do exactly this. You shouldn’t have to worry about duplicate data and storage, or exporting your data just so that other teams can make sense of it.

Our customers have shown us that unifying the team under one platform actually creates a gold-standard culture of experimentation, where everything is an experiment and all metrics are tracked and optimized. Using a semantic layer is a great way to help affect this change.

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