Date of slack thread: 4/30/24
Anonymous: Hello, Arsalan here, PM for LAAM. Any method to see country wise breakdown of my DAUs on statsig?
Akin (Statsig): Hey Arsalan! tl;dr - Not right now, but it’s coming. As a workaround you can send an event that corresponds with active usage and leverage that.
The bot isn’t right for this one. We provide the built-in DAU metric definition to simplify common metrics folks care about in Experimentation and Feature impact analysis. However, there is a current limitation that you cannot then filter on / break down this, and other, built-in Metrics on surfaces like Metrics Explorer.
It’s a known gap and it’s on our roadmap to fix. As I mentioned above, a workaround for now would be sending in a new “active usage” event.
Vijaye (Statsig): To add to what Akin said, you can pick any event that will closely correspond to your DAU and use that as a proxy. Here’s an example: