Date of slack thread: 7/15/24
Anonymous: If you disable a flag, does Statsig still record metrics for that flag? Context: We have some lagging metrics that we want to follow-up with, but those may occur up to a month after being exposed to a gate, so possibly after we’ve turned off a feature.
Lin Jia (Statsig): Hi <@U06GHSKP1RU>, when you say disable a flag, I assume you mean turn it off and all users will see the control. If my understanding is correct, then the answer is no - we don’t calculate metric for 0% or 100% gate.
Anonymous: Ah, OK thanks. If I turned it to, say 1% though, then the answer is yes?
Cooper Reid (Statsig): You will be able to analyze your Metrics using our Product Analytics tool tho, which is pretty nifty. You can choose a metric and then Group by a Gate (cc <@U05U0DEQ8V9> for my accuracy here). So, you won’t get confidence intervals & p-value, but can see the Absolute Metric values for the pass/fail cohorts included in your Gate, even long after it’s been disabled!