Date of slack thread: 5/9/24
Anonymous: Hi! I am testing copy with dynamic configs. Is there a way to look at metrics directly within dynamic configs, or do I need to set the rules of dynamic configs to be based on a feature gate and track metric lift within that?
Statbot: Dynamic Configs in Statsig do not inherently support direct measurement of metrics or the generation and download of exposure logs. To measure the impact of rollout or look at metrics, you will need to combine Dynamic Configs with Feature Gates or Experiments. By doing so, you can leverage the functionalities of Feature Gates or Experiments, such as exposure logging and metric lift measurement, while still utilizing the targeting capabilities of Dynamic Configs [Documentation URL]. This thread has been marked as resolved. Press below to re-open.
Tyler (Statsig): Confirming the bot is correct! Will also flag that the parameters of an experiment are also a way to get back blobs of data (rather than just the true/false of a gate) - but yeah if you have a rule in your dynamic config that’s “Passes gate xxx” - you’ll be able to see measurements on that gate (assuming it’s not 0% or 100% pass).
Anonymous: Ok got it thank you!