Date of slack thread: 6/7/24
Anonymous: Hi, I’m trying to get my first feature gate running and I’m not able to get it to evaluate to true. This is what it looks like. I’ve tried a key associated with both my development and pre-dev environments, and I’m not specifying any options. When I choose Test Gate, it fails there too. Stats seem to indicate that there have been no checks yet, but I triple checked the gate name. What would be the next thing to try?
Anonymous: A bit more information: when I copied my server secret key into the browser test app, the Result never changes from “Not Checked”.
Anonymous: Got it working. I had to specify a tier explicitly. FYI, the documentation on this page is out of date. It says that the tier method takes an enum and the only accepted values are PRODUCTION, STAGING or DEVELOPMENT. It now appears to take a string. My guess is that the SDK was updated when you introduced custom environment tiers but the documentation wasn’t properly updated.