Date of slack thread: 5/24/24
Anonymous: Hey Folks! We were wondering if we could enable setting the statsig API key on the “Authorization” header vs. the custom header “STATSIG-API-KEY”. We are attempting to send events from a vendor to statsig, and their UI only allows setting the “Authorization” field - and not custom headers. Noting that we are doing this for Revenuecat events and cannot use the Revenuecat integration because we have already enabled it on a different Statsig project and there is currently no way to send the Revenuecat events to 2 different projects.
Anonymous: Tagging my team
Kenny Yi (Statsig): Hey, that sounds reasonable. We can update the webhook to accept the Statsig key via the Authorization header.
Kenny Yi (Statsig): Just to confirm, by Authorization header you mean basic authentication? (Authorization: Basic secret-XXX)
Anonymous: Yes, that is correct. Thanks for confirming!
Anonymous: Oh! Could we do Authorization: Bearer secret-xxx